Tuesday, November 4, 2008

day364 OBAMA DAY

let it be known that history was made this Wednesday, November 5th 2008 7:26am/ East African Time.
Barack Hussein Obama, i mean President Barack Obama became the first African American in the White House.
many thought it could never be done.
but it happened.
and it happened in my life-time which is amazing in itself.

the question that remains is whether or not Obama will really change our country or not.
and the thought on many people's minds is whether he will even survive to keep his campaign promises.
Many do not doubt the possibilty of assassination.
but God forbid that this event should occur.

i wasn't sure who exactly i was supporting politically.
i don't know exactly life will change for the teenage american citizens.
i guess, if his economical promises are true, this means more spending money for parents.
which also means more allowance.
money in the bank.

the not-political part of me did want Barack Oboma to win this election simply because it means so much to other African-Americans to see him step up, take the challenge and succeed.
it's just too bad Martin Luther King Jr didn't live to see his dream come true.
or at least the beginning of his dream.

this country of kenya supports Oboma so much that they even held fake elections and several parties.
there are campaign buttons being sold around in different shops along with t-shirts and hats.
in a sad way he's become more of a celebrity icon than a politician.
but i don't blame people for wanting to make money off of this.
President Moi Kibaki has declared tomorrow a national holiday.
so basically Obama's victory has more benefits than i thought.
only the first few hours and change is already happening.
Promise #1?

i'm not so into politics.
for me this was more of a popularity contest than an election.
it was for most kenyans.

an African American in the White House.
like i said.
just Huge.

so congradulations Mr. President Barack and let's hope for more change.


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