Monday, October 27, 2008


i noticed one thing as i was reading a james bond book in my room three nights ago.
the most reoccuring initials that i noticed on TV and the media are JB.

James Blond
Jack Bauer[24]
Jack Black[actor]
Jonas Brothers[barf]
Johnny Bravo
James Blunt[singer]
Jason Bourne

and in my own life:
Judiah Bristol[my bro]
Jim Buker[a brotha from anotha motha]
Junior Blonde[my cartoon character's alter ego]
Drakkar Noir.
this is the cologne i use.
it translates as Just Black in some language.

i have a little more to say about the school.
there are:

one Mexican
two Russians
two Romanians
one Morocaan
one Russian-Italian.
and Indians.

no, not the i-love-nature-sleep-in-a-tent-and-dance-around-a-camp-fire-yelling "whoo!whoo!whoo!"indians.

oh, big news.

a thief entered our school three days ago.
and he was beaten up.
pretty bad.
here's how it went down.

there was this guy.
just a random guy.
and he had started walking around the school a few hours before he broke in.
you see, we had soccer matches and a girls' basketball game
so i guess he was trying to pose as a teacher or parent or something.
he failed.
cause no one in the whole school knew the guy.

so he breaks into the Deputy Headmaster's[Americans call them "assistant principal"] office.
and he tried to take confiscated phones, electronics, a flash disk, and a laptop.
he failed.
he did it in broad daylight.
it wasn't even 6pm.

he was caught by the Assi. Principal who then called the guards at the gate.
they entered the reception and started kicking the crap out of him.
most of the student in the school had gone home already but some were still there.
two even got in on the action, kicking the thief.

in total he was beaten up by about 8 guys for like 30mins with fists, feet, a metal pole, and a chair.
then he went to jail to probably be beaten some more.
by the inmates.
he wont be breaking and entering again anytime soon.

so that's justice in kenya.


1 comment:

  1. wow! justice in kenya... innocent until jailbait

    hey jailbait's another JB!

    so's jaw-breaker
    james brown
    jelly belly (preferably buttered popcorn flavor ;o) )
    jessica biel
    jim beam (stay away from jim beam, bryan!)
    jimmy buffet
    and i'm surprised you forgot...
    joe biden

    Happy Holloween!
